Thursday, October 23, 2014

Christmas Hats! -Corrie

We really want to start our Christmas hats. We have so many exciting new patterns this year. We are still working on our own prototypes though. We have images from the patters to show you guys so if you see one you like feel free to order one in advance! Like I said non of the pictures below are ours but we have the patterns and can make them! I love Christmas and can not wait to make some hats! For every Christmas themed hat we will make and donate a matching preemie hat!

We have Elf hat patterns

Gingerbread hat patterns and some mitten sets!

We have penguin hats

This is unique and oh so adorable it is a poinsettia hat!

We have reindeer patterns

And of course We have santa hat patterns!

We also have snomen patterns!

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Friday, October 3, 2014

Animal Series-Corrie

We have been making animal hats for a while but we are building our skills and getting better at them. When we first started we were super excited. These are a few of our first ever animal hats:
It all started here I brought home a book to see if my sister Jessica could crochet from it. At the time she and my mother were the only two that could crochet. She got started this was the result. Super cute and when we started selling them people loved them. She then taught me to crochet. I skipped flat crochet and dove into the world of crocheting in the round!

Of course we did not stop there we had to make different animal hats to quench our hunger for more adorable hats. So we made the Sock monkey. 

We started making the frog... but could not stop!

We attempted the mouse... It still needs a bit of work in our minds but still adorable!

And the lady bug!

As I said though these hats were so cute we just could not get enough of them. I taught my sister Marquita who is a lefty to crochet and she also skipped the flat crochet and dove into hat making. Our skills got much better and we started hunting down any pattern we could get our hands on!
This beauty is the latest animal in our collection. It even has the option of a cute flower! Marquita is the one that made this one and is turned out absolutely astonishing I think.

This is what it looks like without the flower still super cute and perfect for any gender!

If you like our hats and enjoy our posts please like, share, and follow us!

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Breast Cancer Awareness Made Personal-Jessica

    Breast cancer is real, and it affects many. I have 3 beautiful children, one of which I was able to breast feed for the first 6 months of his life. I could not imagine a life without them, as little as I was gifted in that area. I am not afraid to shave my head, as I had to do while I was pregnant with my second child. Therefore, it did not take much thought to doing it for a good cause. My family and I were discussing how to properly show our breast cancer hats. We felt it would be best if we had someone, a female preferably, without any hair. I decided to do it. I am proud of my looks. I am not ashamed of how I look. Even if I were, that would be no excuse, looking at all of the women forced to lose their hair, whether they wanted it or not. I feel that those who have been affected can look at me and know they are not alone. My hope is that, although I am not affected, that they are not alone in this.

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

More Awareness - Marquita

    We have some new hats to add to our Breast Cancer Awareness line. As always 50% of/ all sales goes to Ribbon Riders charityor other charity if a different charity is requested.. We are all about the cause, most any cause. Autism, Breast Cancer, Domestic Violence, Support the Troops, ALS and much more! If you have a specific charity request just let us know! Hope to hear from you soon!

Breast Cancer Beanie Pattern: EatPrayYarn
Breast Cancer Cloche (Cream and Pink) Pattern: Erin Bernau

Breast Cancer Cloche (White and Pink) Pattern: Erin Bernau

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We love to bead-Corrie

Hey Guys,
    So I thought it would be nice to touch base and show everyone some of the Jewelry we have made in the past. This is just our beaded work we have many other forms of Jewelry and accessories like gimp(boondoggle, rexlace,craftlace), Friendship thread, etc. Prices of course vary from piece to piece based on accessibility, type of bead, and of course the type of jewelry like bracelet, necklace, earrings, or set.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Paracord is a very useful thing to have. It is very strong. It takes a lot  of paracord to make a bracelet, belt, or necklace. You can use just one color, or 2. Honestly, you can use it for many occasions. You can use it for work, using black or brown. You can have certain colors to match certain outfits. The same for bracelets or necklaces, accept for work, unless they are allowed in your workplace. I think they are pretty cool. They are relatively easy to make, but it takes time. I plan to make some for my children and for myself. I know my kids would enjoy them.

 Belt (Black and White)

 Belt (Blue and Orange)

Flip Flops (Pink with Pink Camo)

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Saturday, August 30, 2014

All Craft Lace!! - Marquita

We can make many different types of things with craft lace (or gimp). We can make keychains, bracelets, necklaces, or even earrings! Our love for crafting is huge and we love doing all different kinds of crafts! Like always, all our crafts are made to order with Love and Care!!!

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Friday, August 29, 2014

Cabbage patch collection-Corrie

Hey guys,
          I just wanted to share the most popular collection that we have right now! These hats are super adorable and come in so many variations that they are completely customizable. You can choose hair color, bangs, loops all over, braids, straight pigtails or curly pigtails. We fell in love with making these hats and our customers have been ordering them left and right. A basic beanie with bangs and straight pigtails or braids is $20, choose loops all over instead of bangs for an extra $5, choose curly pigtails in place of straight or braids for an extra $5. However, If you go to out face book page and like it all cabbage patch hats are $20 with  free shipping regardless of your style!

Basic cabbage Patch

Curly pigtails

Braid and loops all over

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

We Don't just Crochet!-Jessica

We mostly focus on crocheted items. I mostly focus on hats, especially at this time of year, because we are getting ready for our winter sale. One of the first items I made, though, had nothing to do with hats or crocheting. I did what most teenagers my age did when I was 13 or 14. I made friendship bracelets. My older sister taught me and I love making them. I did not know how to do all of the interesting patterns we have now, but it was fun for me. When we started putting them into the business, we had fun with them. My little sister started looking up patterns and we went wild. I really Like the friendship bracelets that are for Autism Awareness. I have a nephew and a cousin who are Autistic, so it is really important to me.

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